Building Authentic and Meaningful Communication Strategies

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

About this video

Presented by: Rachael Langley, MA, CCC-SLP

We know that learners with communication challenges have thoughts, opinions, and ideas of their own. How do we give them the tools to tell us what they’re thinking? This session will talk about tools and strategies to support early communication skills, including how to begin using AAC (augmentative/alternative communication). During this hour, we will address the following questions: What is the role of the communication partner in early AAC use? How can a parent/teacher/therapist coach someone to use AAC while still letting the AAC user’s thoughts and opinions shine through? How does prompting fit into learning AAC? Are there other strategies besides prompting that we could use? Through answering these questions, we will focus on supporting authentic and meaningful communication that is relevant to our learners. Resources for continued learning will also be provided.

Completing this webinar and using the information to individualize and create or improve an intensive communication program could be part of a NeMTSS Tier 3 intervention. For more information on NeMTSS visit

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