Topics: Special Topics

ABA in Schools: Behavior Analysis in Schools: A Different World Part 1

This training is designed to provide guidance and problem-solving skills to ABA providers who currently support clients in the school setting, or want to do so. The majority of ABA providers are not teachers, yet there is an increasing need and desire for these very providers to work in the school setting.

Completion Time:
55 Minutes

Topics: Special Topics

ABA in Schools: Behavior Analysis in Schools: A Different World Part 2

The differences between the clinic/home and school settings may surprise many ABA providers. Why do schools do the things they do? This is a common question, and what this training will attempt to discuss. There are many points of common ground between school and clinical practice, but there are also some important differences. During this webinar series, we will explore these similarities and differences together.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports Special Topics

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy in Schools for School Administrators and School Staff Part 1

Some fundamental questions that will be explored in this training include: What is a BCBA and what is the difference between school-based and clinic-based ABA services? How do you differentiate between FAPE/IEP services and a clinically-based treatment plan?

Completion Time:
55 Minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy in Schools for School Administrators and School Staff Part 2

This training is designed to provide guidance and problem-solving skills to ABA providers who currently support clients in the school setting, or want to do so. The majority of ABA providers are not teachers, yet there is an increasing need and desire for these very providers to work in the school setting.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Special Topics

Administrators and ASD Frequently Asked Questions Part 1

Are you a School Administrator with questions about Supporting Students with Autism? If so, you won’t want to miss this two part webinar series. In this series we will answer the most frequently asked questions we receive from school administrators including the following: Do most students with autism need a para educator working with them? What are effective strategies for dealing with problem behaviors and diverse sensory needs? What do we do when things aren’t working?

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Special Topics

Administrators and ASD Frequently Asked Questions Part 2

This webinar will include interviews and tips from current school administrators and will include topics such as how to support staff training needs, how to help staff individualize programming for students with autism, how to be involved and or lead effective IEP meetings, working with outside providers and more.

Completion Time:
35 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Special Topics

Sex Education for Individuals with ASD

Understanding and possessing the ability to express one’s sexuality can be viewed as a basic human right, yet for many individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), this is not a right afforded to them. Traditional relationship development and sex education curriculum is often inaccessible to individuals with ASD, indicating the need for more person-centered programming that considers the strengths and needs of each individual.

Completion Time:
42 min

Topics: Special Topics

Improving Interprofessional Collaborations between School and Clinical/Health Contexts

This webinar is targeted for all members of school-based teams that conduct special education evaluations for Autism. In this webinar, participants will learn about strategies and benefits for engaging in interprofessional collaborations with clinical and health providers.

Completion Time:
45 minutes

Topics: Mental Health Special Topics

At the Intersection of Autism and Trauma: Where Do Behavioral Providers Fit In?

Does trauma matter? How do we ask about it, honor experience and history, and develop ethical and compassionate assessments and plans? This webinar expands boundaries of competence while providing resources, and real-life examples.

Completion Time:
90 minutes

Topics: Early Childhood Special Topics

Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Girls

There is substantial research to draw from regarding early signs of ASD, particularly in boys. Some of the behavioral markers of ASD that we are trained to look for in young children may not be apparent in young girls who later receive a diagnosis of ASD. We need to consider a broader set of markers when evaluating a young girl for possible ASD.

Completion Time:
58 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Reopening Schools for All Students: Planning and Designing for Effective Instruction

This webinar will discuss the topic of reopening schools and designing effective instruction for all students. Application strategies and supports will be discussed to help educators & parents/families.

Completion Time:
52 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Providing Intensive Teaching Services in a Virtual Environment

The purpose of this presentation is to share strategies for teaching in a virtual environment and to model instructional strategies that can be utilized to implement a Verbal Behavior Program in a virtual environment using an errorless teaching procedure and reinforcement strategies.

Completion Time:
95 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Special Topics

Educational Identification Case Studies: Serious Emotional Disability, ASD or Both?

The goal of this webinar is to present a case study that illustrates some of the challenges and outcomes of differential identification.

Completion Time:
75 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Nebraska--We Have a "Short" Problem - (Guidance on the topic of shortened day schedules)

The purpose of this session is to discuss problems with decision to shorten the school day of students with ASD or other disbilities. These decisions are often made by IEP teams or at the request of a parent and may cause concern regarding students receiving a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

Completion Time:
75 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Building Capacity through Para Training and Supervision

This training will provide information on ways teachers and others can gain strategies for effectively communicating with paraprofessionals. Participants will learn ways to develop techniques for structuring and organizing the school day for para and student success; and Learn strategies for coaching and providing feedback to their staff in a way that leads to improved outcomes for students.

Completion Time:
38 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: For Individuals with Average to Above Average Cognition and Verbal Skills

This webinar will focus on individuals with ASD who have average to above average cognition and verbal skills. Participants will gain information on supports for individuals with ASD to increase meaningful participation and success in a variety of settings.

Completion Time:
55 minutes