Topics: Family / Home Supports

Spanish autismo 101

Este seminario web ayudará a los participantes a comprender la tríada de características presentes en el trastorno del espectro autista, cómo estas características pueden afectar a los estudiantes en el entorno escolar y las estrategias básicas utilizadas para desarrollar habilidades comunicativas, sociales y conductuales en estudiantes con trastorno del espectro autista.

Completion Time:
70 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Supporting Students with Autism: Strategies for the General Education Classroom

Gain a better understanding of students with autism who have average to above average language and cognitive abilities to help support and improve their overall educational experience.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Getting Ready for A New Student with Autism

This webinar is designed to help those working with students with autism by giving an overview of common characteristics and providing some helpful tips and strategies for a successful school year.

Completion Time:
60 minutes


Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder

This webinar will help participants understand the triad of characteristics present in Autism Spectrum Disorder, how these characteristics may affect students in the school setting, and the basic strategies used to develop communication, social, and behavioral skill sets in students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: For Individuals with Average to Above Average Cognition and Verbal Skills

This webinar will focus on individuals with ASD who have average to above average cognition and verbal skills. Participants will gain information on supports for individuals with ASD to increase meaningful participation and success in a variety of settings.

Completion Time:
55 minutes