Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Special Topics

Administrators and ASD Frequently Asked Questions Part 1

Are you a School Administrator with questions about Supporting Students with Autism? If so, you won’t want to miss this two part webinar series. In this series we will answer the most frequently asked questions we receive from school administrators including the following: Do most students with autism need a para educator working with them? What are effective strategies for dealing with problem behaviors and diverse sensory needs? What do we do when things aren’t working?

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Special Topics

Administrators and ASD Frequently Asked Questions Part 2

This webinar will include interviews and tips from current school administrators and will include topics such as how to support staff training needs, how to help staff individualize programming for students with autism, how to be involved and or lead effective IEP meetings, working with outside providers and more.

Completion Time:
35 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

All About Small Group Instruction

In this webinar, Sasha Long, founder and president of The Autism Helper, will discuss why small group instruction is essential for meeting the diverse needs of learners. She will cover what considerations should be made when establishing small group instruction. Participants will also learn key strategies for scheduling group rotations, para training, and the necessary evidence based practices to utilize while running groups.

Completion Time:
68 min

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Executive Functioning

The Incredible 5-Point Scale and Anxiety

Anxiety is often a part of the autistic profile. Anxiety is also the most contagious of all emotions, and anxiety is personal. Because of these issues, it is essential that all educators, when faced with troublesome, disturbing, or confusing behavior have an objective planning system on hand. The anxiety curve, as introduced by Buron and Curtis, in 2003 provides just such a system. This webinar will discuss the use of the anxiety curve to both address emotional regulation with students, and as a tool for educational planning. Kari will connect the curve to the Incredible 5-Point Scale; and illustrate how it relates to other common teaching strategies.

Completion Time:
72 min

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Executive Functioning

Strategies for Increasing Problem Solving in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

In this webinar Dr. Kisamore will share a problem-solving strategy that can be used to guide the instruction of a variety of social and vocational skills topics and be used by the student to independently complete vocational tasks and work through different types of problems.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Communication

Teaching Advanced Verbal Behavior Using Speech- Generating Devices

This presentation will cover a series of studies examining procedures to teach mands for information, intraverbals to report past behaviors, and tacts of noun-verb combinations to non-vocal children with autism. Considerations and complications when teaching these skills using high-tech SGDs will be discussed.

Completion Time:
58 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Supporting Students with Autism: Strategies for the General Education Classroom

Gain a better understanding of students with autism who have average to above average language and cognitive abilities to help support and improve their overall educational experience.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 1

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
63 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 2 A

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
41 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 2 B

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
24 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 2 C

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 2 D

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 3

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
92 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 4

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
90 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Getting Ready for A New Student with Autism

This webinar is designed to help those working with students with autism by giving an overview of common characteristics and providing some helpful tips and strategies for a successful school year.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Strategies to Support Better Student Behavior

This training will help participants to identify why students use challenging behavior. Participants will understand the role they play in the behavior and learn ways to improve student behavior through accurate and consistent use of evidence-based practices.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports Transitions

Getting Started with PEERS for Adults: Social Skills Training for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

This webinar will provide an overview of the PEERS for Adults: Social Skills Training. Particpants will be able to identify social skills deficits among adults; recognize the importance of improving and developing friendships, limitations of existing interventions and research, and an overview of how to get started with the PEERS curriculum for adults.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

Getting Started with PEERS for Adolescents: Social Skills Training for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

This webinar will provide an overview of the PEERS Social Skills program for Adolescents. It will include information to help participants understand the following: How to recognize the importance of improving friendships; Consider limitations of existing social skills interventions; Explore research findings related to social skills instruction; and Learn how to implement the PEERS social skill curriculum for adolescents.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Communication

Strategies for Increased Interprofessional Collaboration between Educators, Behavior Analysts, & Speech Pathologists to Support Children with Communication Needs

Working as a part of a multi-disciplinary team for students with communication needs involves integrating varying perspectives of language development. Learn about collaboration bias and strategies for effective interprofessional practice, as well as strategies to support communication development in young children with autism spectrum disorder and other disabilities. Assess your own collaboration bias and identify three ways to better collaborate with colleagues.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Why is Escape or Avoidance Behavior Happening? How Do Motivating Operations Affect Behavior in the Classroom?

This webinar will cover the following: What is a Motivating Operation? How does the Conditioned Motivating Operation- Reflexive effect the behavior of our students with autism? How can we effectively abolish the CMO-R and improve behavior?

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

The Incredible 5‐Point Scale

Social cognition involves social awareness, emotional awareness, relationship building, self management and emotional regulation. Social cognition is a developmental issue and can impact a person’s confidence and competence in almost all social situations. This presentation will highlight the use of a highly systemized scale to teach skills in these four areas.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

Circle of Friends Part 1: An Introduction to CoF

This webinar will explore the evidence-base for Circle of Friends. Participants will learn circle of friends implementation basics and compare different CoF models.

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

Circle of Friends Part 2: Planning and Implementing

Through a Circle of Friends program, typically developing peers are taught important information about classmates with social challenges, and are invited and encouraged to befriend them. This presentation will discuss the specifics of implementing a circle of friends program. The webinar will include information on how to set up your group, how to address peer awareness and training about autism, teaching social skills, and developing relevant CoF lesson plans.

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Connecting Verbal Behavior Programs with Natural Environment Training - Part 2

Part 2 of this 2-part series will focus on teaching and generalizing verbal behavior skills in the natural environment. Easy to use strategies to help students connect their verbal behavior skills to activities in the natural environment will be shared. Generalization of skills in the natural environment leads to more independence and successful participation in a variety of activities.

Completion Time:
20 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

Peer-Mediated Interventions

Participants will describe the importance of involving peers in efforts to expand social relationships and learning, identify how peer support and peer network interventions can benefit students with and without disabilities, and will learn practical strategies for recruiting students, developing effective intervention plans, orienting students to their roles, and supporting them as they work together.

Completion Time:
41 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Errorless Teaching

This webinar will provide an overview of how to select student skills appropriate for errorless teaching. It will also describe and illustrate the 4 steps in the errorless teaching procedure.

Completion Time:
20 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Transitions

Teaching Skills that Matter: Teaching Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Competencies in Any Classroom

This webinar will provide an overview of the College and Career Competency Framework. It will provide information on how to get started exploring outcomes and instructional strategies to teach and provide opportunities for students to practice specific competencies.

Completion Time:
57 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

The importance of Social and Emotional Development - Part 1

In this 2-part webinar series, the importance of considering evidence-based practices within a framework that is sensitive to the social and emotional priorities for the student will be discussed. What we determine as the student’s targeted educational objectives should be as important as how we are providing accommodations. Providing evidence-based educational programming for students on the Autism Spectrum relies on a careful selection of focused approaches that have been shown to promote the acquisition of specific skills or the reduction of behaviors that are interfering with learning and social engagement in the classroom.

Completion Time:
48 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

The importance of Social and Emotional Development - Defining Engagement in Classroom Settings for Students on the Autism Spectrum - Part 2

Providing evidence-based educational programming for students on the Autism Spectrum relies on a careful selection of focused approaches that have been shown to promote the acquisition of specific skills or the reduction of behaviors that are interfering with learning and social engagement in the classroom. Based upon current systematic reviews, nearly three-dozen approaches are considered effective at promoting such positive outcomes.

Completion Time:
47 minutes