Topics: Transitions

Changing Mindsets to Prepare Students with Disabilities for Integrated Employment and Success in Adult Life

This webinar will provide tools for professionals working with students with disabilities to improve access for integrated employment in high school to bolster attainment of competitive employment after high school.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports Transitions

Getting Started with PEERS for Adults: Social Skills Training for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

This webinar will provide an overview of the PEERS for Adults: Social Skills Training. Particpants will be able to identify social skills deficits among adults; recognize the importance of improving and developing friendships, limitations of existing interventions and research, and an overview of how to get started with the PEERS curriculum for adults.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: First-Hand Perspectives Transitions

Post-Secondary Supports and Students with Autism

Participants of this webinar will learn about the differences in expectations of students in high school vs. post-secondary education programs, as well as types of supports that may be beneficial to post-secondary students with ASD. Information about the Marshall University's college program for students with ASD will also be discussed.

Completion Time:
48 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports Transitions

PEERS® Part 1: An overview of the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills

This webinar will provide an overview of the social deficits and consequences of peer rejection in autism spectrum disorder, and a discsussion of the limitations of existing social skills programs. The webinar will discuss effective methods of social skills instruction and provide an overview of the PEERS® curriculum and research findings.

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports Transitions

PEERS® Part 2: Strategies for Handling Teasing/Bullying

By the end of this webinar, participants will be familiar with strategies to address teasing, strategies to address physical bullying, cyberbullying and minimize rumors and gossip.

Completion Time:
45 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Transitions

Teaching Skills that Matter: Teaching Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Competencies in Any Classroom

This webinar will provide an overview of the College and Career Competency Framework. It will provide information on how to get started exploring outcomes and instructional strategies to teach and provide opportunities for students to practice specific competencies.

Completion Time:
57 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports Transitions

Transition: Targeting Skills for Adult Independence - Part 1

Part 1 of this 4-part series will focus on real-life skills for independence including the following topics: the ability for individuals to assess themselves on strengths, skills and the needs associated with their disabilities. Awareness of the accommodations they might need. Knowledge of their rights to these accommodations and the advocacy skills necessary to express their needs across multiple environments.

Completion Time:
48 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports Transitions

Transition: Transition Planning for Competent Adulthood - Part 2

Part 2 of this 4-part series will provide information on the following: Priorities of Instruction in transition programming (work/social/navigation skills), and Strategies for teaching 4 basic transition skills: Direct Instruction Video Modeling, Naturalistic Strategies and Support, and Generalization, Self monitoring.

Completion Time:
42 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports Transitions

Transition: The Central Importance of Sexual Education in ASD - Part 3

Part 3 of this 4-part series will provide information on the importance of and strategies to teach Sexual Education. Topics that will be covered include the importance of teaching the Hidden Curriculum regarding sexuality to adolescents and young adults with ASD, examples of hidden curriculum as it relates to dating and sexuality and strategies for teaching the hidden curriculum of sex.

Completion Time:
43 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports Transitions

Transition: Person Centered Planning: Creating a Map to Your Student's Future - Part 4

Part 4 of this 4-part series will provide an opportunity for participants to earn what Future Planning is and how can it be used. The presenter will review common characteristics of Future Planning Mapping and Future Planning frames and the specifics on how to complete a map. Information on facilitation tips to complete a map and the limitations of Futures Planning will also be discussed.

Completion Time:
33 minutes

Topics: Transitions

Skills for the Real World: Preparing Students with ASD

This presentation will focus on making Connections that will assist students to transition successfully into the workforce and life after school. The presentation will identify the critical skills necessary for transitioning into the world of work. Presenters will also discuss potential barriers and identify strategies to be successful in the workplace as well as steps for successful career planning/retention.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Transitions

Sex Abuse Prevention through Sex Education Training: Part 1

Part 1 of this 2-part series will discuss how to provide Sex Education training and prevent Sex Abuse in individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. This webinar will cover how reducing the amount of touch, talk, and trust with our students can actually increase their safety in relationships.

Completion Time:
34 minutes

Topics: Transitions

Sex Abuse Prevention through Sex Education Training: Part 2

Part 2 of this 2-part series will cover why specialized training on sex and sexuality is a necessity for persons with Autism and/or Cognitive Disabilities. The training will help identify risk factors and discuss why this should be our concern. The presentation will include a review of how people with autism/cognitive impairments learn differently and how you form partnerships with families on these issues.

Completion Time:
39 minutes

Topics: Transitions

Transitions: Class to Class and Building to Building

This presentation will help participants understand the importance of the transition process and the key components of successful transitions. Participants will be able to identify strategies for successful transitions to new classes or buildings.

Completion Time:
26 minutes