The ASD Network team has curated a series of webinars designed to provide on-demand implementation support. These webinars offer needed professional development on evidence-based practices and include presentations from national and local experts. New webinars are added regularly to meet the needs of Nebraska educators, families, and community partners.

All webinars are free, and participants can receive a professional development CEU certificate.

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Check out our introductory webinars to start learning today!

Watch the Autism 101 Webinars

Topics: Special Topics

ABA in Schools: Behavior Analysis in Schools: A Different World Part 1

This training is designed to provide guidance and problem-solving skills to ABA providers who currently support clients in the school setting, or want to do so. The majority of ABA providers are not teachers, yet there is an increasing need and desire for these very providers to work in the school setting.

Completion Time:
55 Minutes

Topics: Special Topics

ABA in Schools: Behavior Analysis in Schools: A Different World Part 2

The differences between the clinic/home and school settings may surprise many ABA providers. Why do schools do the things they do? This is a common question, and what this training will attempt to discuss. There are many points of common ground between school and clinical practice, but there are also some important differences. During this webinar series, we will explore these similarities and differences together.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports Special Topics

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy in Schools for School Administrators and School Staff Part 1

Some fundamental questions that will be explored in this training include: What is a BCBA and what is the difference between school-based and clinic-based ABA services? How do you differentiate between FAPE/IEP services and a clinically-based treatment plan?

Completion Time:
55 Minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy in Schools for School Administrators and School Staff Part 2

This training is designed to provide guidance and problem-solving skills to ABA providers who currently support clients in the school setting, or want to do so. The majority of ABA providers are not teachers, yet there is an increasing need and desire for these very providers to work in the school setting.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports

Spanish autismo 101

Este seminario web ayudará a los participantes a comprender la tríada de características presentes en el trastorno del espectro autista, cómo estas características pueden afectar a los estudiantes en el entorno escolar y las estrategias básicas utilizadas para desarrollar habilidades comunicativas, sociales y conductuales en estudiantes con trastorno del espectro autista.

Completion Time:
70 minutes

Topics: Behavior Communication Early Childhood Family / Home Supports

Encontrar el equilibrio: Un viaje hacia la felicidad, la relajación y el compromiso en el hogar y la escuela (Balance: A jJrney to HRE)

El Programa de equilibrio para conductas problemáticas emergentes enseña las habilidades de comunicación, tolerancia y cooperación de manera compasiva y empática a niños pequeños con autismo. La base del programa comienza con encontrar lo que alegra al niño, lo que lo hace feliz, relajado y comprometido. Discutimos el programa Balance, cómo puede ser la implementación y la colaboración entre la escuela y el hogar, y los éxitos y dificultades a lo largo del camino. Compartiremos conocimientos y experiencias de primera mano del maestro de Educación Especial y de los padres de un estudiante involucrado en el programa.

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Executive Functioning

Supporting Executive Functioning in Young Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities Part 1

This two-part series will provide an overview of the development of executive functioning (EF) skills in early childhood (ages 3-6 years), as well as an introduction to strategies to support the early development of EF skills in young children with EF challenges.After attending this webinar participants will be able to: • Describe key principles for conducting executive functioning (EF) intervention in the classroom with young children with DD/ASD • Understand the core EF skills to facilitate in young children with EF challenges • Identify key intervention strategies to use in the classroom to support EF skills (for push-in and pull-out delivery models)

Completion Time:
48 minutes

Topics: Executive Functioning

Supporting Executive Functioning in Young Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities Part 2

This two-part series will provide an overview of the development of executive functioning (EF) skills in early childhood (ages 3-6 years), as well as an introduction to strategies to support the early development of EF skills in young children with EF challenges. After attending this webinar participants will be able to: Describe the role of executive functioning (EF) in early childhood development, particularly in developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Identify potential signs of EF challenges in young children with DD/ASD Understand the research evidence for how EF relates to long-term functional outcomes in DD/ASD Explain the transdiagnostic role of EF in common childhood mental health issues

Completion Time:

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Special Topics

Administrators and ASD Frequently Asked Questions Part 1

Are you a School Administrator with questions about Supporting Students with Autism? If so, you won’t want to miss this two part webinar series. In this series we will answer the most frequently asked questions we receive from school administrators including the following: Do most students with autism need a para educator working with them? What are effective strategies for dealing with problem behaviors and diverse sensory needs? What do we do when things aren’t working?

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Special Topics

Administrators and ASD Frequently Asked Questions Part 2

This webinar will include interviews and tips from current school administrators and will include topics such as how to support staff training needs, how to help staff individualize programming for students with autism, how to be involved and or lead effective IEP meetings, working with outside providers and more.

Completion Time:
35 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

All About Small Group Instruction

In this webinar, Sasha Long, founder and president of The Autism Helper, will discuss why small group instruction is essential for meeting the diverse needs of learners. She will cover what considerations should be made when establishing small group instruction. Participants will also learn key strategies for scheduling group rotations, para training, and the necessary evidence based practices to utilize while running groups.

Completion Time:
68 min

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Special Topics

Sex Education for Individuals with ASD

Understanding and possessing the ability to express one’s sexuality can be viewed as a basic human right, yet for many individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), this is not a right afforded to them. Traditional relationship development and sex education curriculum is often inaccessible to individuals with ASD, indicating the need for more person-centered programming that considers the strengths and needs of each individual.

Completion Time:
42 min

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Executive Functioning

The Incredible 5-Point Scale and Anxiety

Anxiety is often a part of the autistic profile. Anxiety is also the most contagious of all emotions, and anxiety is personal. Because of these issues, it is essential that all educators, when faced with troublesome, disturbing, or confusing behavior have an objective planning system on hand. The anxiety curve, as introduced by Buron and Curtis, in 2003 provides just such a system. This webinar will discuss the use of the anxiety curve to both address emotional regulation with students, and as a tool for educational planning. Kari will connect the curve to the Incredible 5-Point Scale; and illustrate how it relates to other common teaching strategies.

Completion Time:
72 min

Topics: Family / Home Supports

Where Do We Go from Here: Navigating Through the Autism Diagnosis and/or Educational Identification

My child has received an autism diagnosis, or educational identificaiton - now what do I do? Please join us as we discuss a variety of steps and resources you can use to help navigate your way to finding supports for your child.

Completion Time:
44 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Improving Interprofessional Collaborations between School and Clinical/Health Contexts

This webinar is targeted for all members of school-based teams that conduct special education evaluations for Autism. In this webinar, participants will learn about strategies and benefits for engaging in interprofessional collaborations with clinical and health providers.

Completion Time:
45 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Executive Functioning

Strategies for Increasing Problem Solving in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

In this webinar Dr. Kisamore will share a problem-solving strategy that can be used to guide the instruction of a variety of social and vocational skills topics and be used by the student to independently complete vocational tasks and work through different types of problems.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Early Childhood

Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder – Part 1

In this webinar participants will learn the importance of identify autism symptoms in early childhood rather than adopting a “wait and see” approach. Early emerging symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in young boys and girls across the domains of social, communication and flexibility will be discussed as well as how to differentiate between ASD.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Early Childhood

Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder – Part 2

In this session Dr. Hepburn will discuss key elements of an evaluation for autism spectrum disorder in young children. She will compare the strengths and weaknesses of three evidence-based assessment tools and how family culture and language can affect the evaluation process.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Communication

Building Authentic and Meaningful Communication Strategies

This session will talk about tools and strategies to support early communication skills, including how to begin using AAC (augmentative/alternative communication).

Completion Time:
75 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Communication

Teaching Advanced Verbal Behavior Using Speech- Generating Devices

This presentation will cover a series of studies examining procedures to teach mands for information, intraverbals to report past behaviors, and tacts of noun-verb combinations to non-vocal children with autism. Considerations and complications when teaching these skills using high-tech SGDs will be discussed.

Completion Time:
58 minutes

Topics: Behavior

Intervention for Repetitive and Restricted Patterns of Behaviors in Autism

The purpose of this workshop is to help professionals to assess the underlying reasons why specific ritualistic behavior exist and then develop a treatment plan to reduce the frequency or intensity of the behaviors. Case studies are central to the discussion.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Mental Health Special Topics

At the Intersection of Autism and Trauma: Where Do Behavioral Providers Fit In?

Does trauma matter? How do we ask about it, honor experience and history, and develop ethical and compassionate assessments and plans? This webinar expands boundaries of competence while providing resources, and real-life examples.

Completion Time:
90 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Supporting Students with Autism: Strategies for the General Education Classroom

Gain a better understanding of students with autism who have average to above average language and cognitive abilities to help support and improve their overall educational experience.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 1

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
63 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 2 A

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
41 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 2 B

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
24 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 2 C

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 2 D

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 3

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
92 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

You Have to Build the Plane as You Fly It!: Core Components of an Evidence Based Behavior Support Program Part 4

This four-part series will support teachers faced with the immense challenge of providing a free and appropriate public education to learners with a wide variety of needs that often manifest in significantly disruptive behavior.

Completion Time:
90 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum

Interoception Assessment and Curriculum

Interoception is an important sensory system that helps us to feel internal body signals. Interoceptive differences are very common in a variety of students, including those with autism. A systematic evidence-based approach for assessing and supporting interoception will be shared with a focus on The Interoception Curriculum.

Completion Time:
75 minutes

Topics: First-Hand Perspectives Social Supports

A spectrum of voices: Listening to young adults with ASD

For an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the transition from adolescence to young adulthood can create new challenges, as there is a continuing need for support, often with limited available resources. Listening to those who are on the autism spectrum can help professionals be more sensitive to their goals, needs, concerns, wishes, and preferences. The objective of the panel is to allow professionals to acquire knowledge of how to serve such a diverse population by hearing voices.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum

An Overview of the PEAK Relational Training System: An Evaluation and Curriculum Guide for Teaching Basic and Advanced Language Skills

The PEAK Relational Training System includes four PEAK Modules, which are guided by individualized assessment. Become more familiar with the PEAK assessment and materials, as well as the basic steps to get started with using PEAK as a stand-alone curriculum or in conjunction with existing programs.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum


In this session, we will discuss a general framework for conducting assessments regardless of the materials being used. This session introduces the concept of “core assessments” and how to apply this with different learner profiles.

Completion Time:
42 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum


In this session, we will apply the content from session 1. Video examples will be used to explore how to complete the general assessment process with different learner profiles.

Completion Time:
45 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Early Childhood


This session focuses on some of the key aspects of developmental research that we should be familiar with when conducting assessments in Early Intervention settings. This session will also include resources relating to assessment and intervention for early learners ages 3-5.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Getting Ready for A New Student with Autism

This webinar is designed to help those working with students with autism by giving an overview of common characteristics and providing some helpful tips and strategies for a successful school year.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Early Childhood Special Topics

Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Girls

There is substantial research to draw from regarding early signs of ASD, particularly in boys. Some of the behavioral markers of ASD that we are trained to look for in young children may not be apparent in young girls who later receive a diagnosis of ASD. We need to consider a broader set of markers when evaluating a young girl for possible ASD.

Completion Time:
58 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Communication

Practical Strategies for Obtaining Critical Mass

Critical mass, a term discussed in Excelling with Autism: Obtaining Critical Mass Using Deliberate Practice, explains the formula needed to achieve spontaneous generalization. This webinar will provide a variety of ways and strategies to achieve spontaneous generalization in the areas of conversation, problem solving, and emotional understanding.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Digitizing Learning for Students with Autism

Participants will explore ways to utilize digital tools and effective instructional strategies as they prepare for and begin the new normal for the 20202-2021 academic year and beyond. Together, we will explore ways to engage learners, design for potential barriers, and ways to utilize specific digital tools and resources to plan thoughtfully and effectively for ALL learners.

Completion Time:
48 minutes

Topics: Transitions

Changing Mindsets to Prepare Students with Disabilities for Integrated Employment and Success in Adult Life

This webinar will provide tools for professionals working with students with disabilities to improve access for integrated employment in high school to bolster attainment of competitive employment after high school.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: First-Hand Perspectives Mental Health

Masking and Mental Health

Autistic Self-Advocate, and developmental psychologist, Dr. Jacquelyn Fede will provide a brief overview of what masking is, what it can look like, why it is done and its implications for the mental health of autistic people. Tips for minimizing masking will be provided.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Mental Health

Mental Health & Autism: Meeting the Needs of Students

This webinar will provide information to help identify possible red flags that indicate when a person on the autism spectrum may also have some additional mental health needs. The presentation will provide a review of effective approaches to support individuals through difficult moments.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Strategies to Support Better Student Behavior

This training will help participants to identify why students use challenging behavior. Participants will understand the role they play in the behavior and learn ways to improve student behavior through accurate and consistent use of evidence-based practices.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports Transitions

Getting Started with PEERS for Adults: Social Skills Training for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

This webinar will provide an overview of the PEERS for Adults: Social Skills Training. Particpants will be able to identify social skills deficits among adults; recognize the importance of improving and developing friendships, limitations of existing interventions and research, and an overview of how to get started with the PEERS curriculum for adults.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

Getting Started with PEERS for Adolescents: Social Skills Training for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

This webinar will provide an overview of the PEERS Social Skills program for Adolescents. It will include information to help participants understand the following: How to recognize the importance of improving friendships; Consider limitations of existing social skills interventions; Explore research findings related to social skills instruction; and Learn how to implement the PEERS social skill curriculum for adolescents.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Communication

Strategies for Increased Interprofessional Collaboration between Educators, Behavior Analysts, & Speech Pathologists to Support Children with Communication Needs

Working as a part of a multi-disciplinary team for students with communication needs involves integrating varying perspectives of language development. Learn about collaboration bias and strategies for effective interprofessional practice, as well as strategies to support communication development in young children with autism spectrum disorder and other disabilities. Assess your own collaboration bias and identify three ways to better collaborate with colleagues.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Executive Functioning Special Topics

How Do You Support Executive Functioning During Online Learning?

Understand the extra executive functioning challenges with online learning. Problem-solve around how to make a tool for fun into a tool for online learning, and make some small changes in virtual teaching to get better effects.

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Behavior Mental Health

Trauma Informed Practices: Understanding Why Students Do What They Do

Increase your understanding of Trauma Informed Practices through developing plans of support based upon understanding of setting conditions that explain behavior; factors specific to a particular child/youth, and factors that explain behavior. Then utilize your new understanding to update functional behavioral assessment practices.

Completion Time:
43 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Reopening Schools for All Students: Planning and Designing for Effective Instruction

This webinar will discuss the topic of reopening schools and designing effective instruction for all students. Application strategies and supports will be discussed to help educators & parents/families.

Completion Time:
52 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Providing Intensive Teaching Services in a Virtual Environment

The purpose of this presentation is to share strategies for teaching in a virtual environment and to model instructional strategies that can be utilized to implement a Verbal Behavior Program in a virtual environment using an errorless teaching procedure and reinforcement strategies.

Completion Time:
95 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports

Well Being and Being Well

This webinar includes tips for families and individuals during Covid-19. Gain great ideas and strategies on how to incorporate the following in the daily routine: structure, schedules, activities, mindfulness and patience, sleep routines and more.

Completion Time:
28 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Special Topics

Educational Identification Case Studies: Serious Emotional Disability, ASD or Both?

The goal of this webinar is to present a case study that illustrates some of the challenges and outcomes of differential identification.

Completion Time:
75 minutes

Topics: Early Childhood Family / Home Supports

Embedding EBP into Daily Routines for Young Children

School based teams spend time doing Routine Based Interview (RBI) and other assessments with the family in order to learn about the child and the family's daily routines. Once outcomes are determined it is important for the team to go one more step and determine specific Evidence Based Practices that can be used during the family's daily routine to improve child outcomes.

Completion Time:
50 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Nebraska--We Have a "Short" Problem - (Guidance on the topic of shortened day schedules)

The purpose of this session is to discuss problems with decision to shorten the school day of students with ASD or other disbilities. These decisions are often made by IEP teams or at the request of a parent and may cause concern regarding students receiving a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

Completion Time:
75 minutes

Topics: First-Hand Perspectives Mental Health

"It's okay to talk about it": Navigating Mental Health & Autism Part 1

Part 1 of this 2-part series will address a few red flags to watch for (that especially apply for neurodiverse individuals), and we will address a few possible barriers that can prevent those who are affected with mental health conditions from getting the help they need to improve their quality of life.

Completion Time:
45 minutes

Topics: First-Hand Perspectives Mental Health

"It's okay to talk about it": Navigating Mental Health & Autism Part 2

In this Part 2 webinar series, Lindsey will focus on how we can identify effective approaches for those involved in the person’s everyday life (family members, educators, coworkers, etc.) and effective approaches for the person to apply to their own self-care.

Completion Time:
56 minutes

Topics: Behavior Communication

Transdisciplinary Practice for Navigating Communication-Verbal Behavior

Behavior and communication are two aspects of development that are closely associated. Often the roles of speech-language pathologist and behavior specialist overlap. The goal of this presentation is to outline how speech-language pathologists and behavior analyst’s responsibilities align with a focus on collaborative practices. An autism spectrum disorder (ASD) requires transdisciplinary practice to support individuals to succeed across settings, from home to school, and into their communities.

Completion Time:
42 minutes

Topics: First-Hand Perspectives Transitions

Post-Secondary Supports and Students with Autism

Participants of this webinar will learn about the differences in expectations of students in high school vs. post-secondary education programs, as well as types of supports that may be beneficial to post-secondary students with ASD. Information about the Marshall University's college program for students with ASD will also be discussed.

Completion Time:
48 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum

ASD Identification within Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations

Disparities in ASD identification, particularly by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic indicators, have been documented for decades. Despite the awareness, reduction of these disparities has been limited. This advanced-level webinar will provide national data pertaining to trends in clinical and educational ASD identification disparities.

Completion Time:
50 minutes

Topics: Communication

Communication: A Vital Tool to Student Success Part 1: Teaching Manding (Requesting)

Part 1 of this 2-part series will provide an overview of why manding (AKA requesting) is a vital skill. It will help participants understand how to utilize student motiviation and how to determine individualized goals for manding. This presentation will describe how to use errorless teaching and error correction with mands.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Communication

Communication: A Vital Tool to Student Success Part 2: Collecting Mand Data

Learn to identify obtainable, functional manding (AKA: requesting) goals for individual students. Understand how to develop Cold Probe and Skill Tracking Sheets with individualized mastered, current, and future mands (AKA: requests), and how to track manding progress using frequency and acquisition data and graphs.

Completion Time:
25 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Building Capacity through Para Training and Supervision

This training will provide information on ways teachers and others can gain strategies for effectively communicating with paraprofessionals. Participants will learn ways to develop techniques for structuring and organizing the school day for para and student success; and Learn strategies for coaching and providing feedback to their staff in a way that leads to improved outcomes for students.

Completion Time:
38 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Why is Escape or Avoidance Behavior Happening? How Do Motivating Operations Affect Behavior in the Classroom?

This webinar will cover the following: What is a Motivating Operation? How does the Conditioned Motivating Operation- Reflexive effect the behavior of our students with autism? How can we effectively abolish the CMO-R and improve behavior?

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Proactive Behavior Management Part 1: Relationship-Based Strategies

With the national average of students spending over 1,000 hours each school year with their teachers, it is crucial that we understand the importance of positive interactions. The focus of this presentation includes ways to increase appropriate behavior and decrease problematic behavior.

Completion Time:
17 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Proactive Behavior Management Part 2: Procedural Strategies

Participants will gain an understanding of 11 procedural proactive strategies. This webinar will help participants identify the degree to which each strategy is currently being utilized in your setting / with your student(s) and develop a plan for how to increase appropriate behavior and decrease problematic behavior through the consistent use of these strategies.

Completion Time:
19 minutes

Topics: Behavior

It’s All About Independent Functioning! Practical Strategies that Foster Independence for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

A primary goal when teaching students with ASD is to increase independent functioning and decrease dependence on adults; however, this can be quite challenging in school-based settings where the educational climate often fosters adult support. This webinar will address providing guidance and instruction to educational professionals/adults to maximize independent functioning skills for students with ASD.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Autism and Girls: Closing the Gender Gap

There are more males than females with ASD; however, the imbalance may be exaggerated. The description of ASD, and consequently the tools used to identify ASD, are based on what ASD looks like in males. As a result, females with ASD are often not referred or are misidentified – they fall through the cracks. Unidentified/misidentified, and poorly served, their path is a difficult one. One disorder may cascade into others, such as anxiety and depression. This presentation will provide strategies and solutions for better identifying and serving females with ASD.

Completion Time:
50 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum First-Hand Perspectives

Interoception, the 8th Sense: An Interview with Chloe Rothschild

This webinar will focus on interoception (the 8th sense) and autism spectrum disorders. Interoception helps you to understand and feel what's going on inside your body. Those who struggle with the interoception may have trouble knowing when they feel hungry, full, hot, cold or thirsty. Having trouble with this sense can also make self‐regulation a challenge. In this webinar Kelly Mahler MS,OTR/L, will interview Chloe Rothschild about her personal experiences living with interoceptive differences.

Completion Time:
40 minutes


Differential Identification of Emotional Disability and ASD

This webinar will focus on the unique challenges when conducting evaluations for serious emotional disability (SED) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Specific aspects of the evaluation process can help to inform whether SED or ASD is most appropriate for a student.

Completion Time:
75 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

The Incredible 5‐Point Scale

Social cognition involves social awareness, emotional awareness, relationship building, self management and emotional regulation. Social cognition is a developmental issue and can impact a person’s confidence and competence in almost all social situations. This presentation will highlight the use of a highly systemized scale to teach skills in these four areas.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

Circle of Friends Part 1: An Introduction to CoF

This webinar will explore the evidence-base for Circle of Friends. Participants will learn circle of friends implementation basics and compare different CoF models.

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

Circle of Friends Part 2: Planning and Implementing

Through a Circle of Friends program, typically developing peers are taught important information about classmates with social challenges, and are invited and encouraged to befriend them. This presentation will discuss the specifics of implementing a circle of friends program. The webinar will include information on how to set up your group, how to address peer awareness and training about autism, teaching social skills, and developing relevant CoF lesson plans.

Completion Time:
40 minutes


Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder

This webinar will help participants understand the triad of characteristics present in Autism Spectrum Disorder, how these characteristics may affect students in the school setting, and the basic strategies used to develop communication, social, and behavioral skill sets in students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Communication

Connecting Verbal Behavior Programs with Functional Living Skills from the AFLS (Assessment of Functional Living Skills) Part 1

This webinar will introduce participants to The AFLS Assessment and Curriculum Guides as an extension to a verbal behavior program. Participants will gain the knowledge and tools to track a learner’s functional living skills and plan an individual intervention program to increase independence.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Connecting Verbal Behavior Programs with Natural Environment Training - Part 2

Part 2 of this 2-part series will focus on teaching and generalizing verbal behavior skills in the natural environment. Easy to use strategies to help students connect their verbal behavior skills to activities in the natural environment will be shared. Generalization of skills in the natural environment leads to more independence and successful participation in a variety of activities.

Completion Time:
20 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports

Toilet training for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Toileting successfully is a skill that has a significant and long-term impact on an individual’s quality of life outcome. By actively teaching toileting skills, we can have an immediate impact on levels of independence at home and school; increase opportunities for social & group acceptance; widen options for work and school that may not otherwise be possible; and decrease frustration and the risk of abuse as they become adults. Interventions presented will focus on how to identify and implement the most appropriate toilet training strategy for your child/student.

Completion Time:
23 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

Peer-Mediated Interventions

Participants will describe the importance of involving peers in efforts to expand social relationships and learning, identify how peer support and peer network interventions can benefit students with and without disabilities, and will learn practical strategies for recruiting students, developing effective intervention plans, orienting students to their roles, and supporting them as they work together.

Completion Time:
41 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Executive Functioning

Unstuck and On Target: Helping Students with Planning, Organization and Flexible Thinking: Part 1

Increase your understanding of how to identify and teach executive functioning skills and accommodate executive functioning weaknesses.

Completion Time:
35 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Executive Functioning

Unstuck and On Target: Helping Students with Planning, Organization and Flexible Thinking: Part 2

This webinar will cover: How to tell if it’s a behavior is because of a can’t or a won’t, and How to explicitly teach EF skills, including how to make accommodations, use visual supports and techniques from the new edition of Unstuck and On Target.

Completion Time:
48 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Executive Functioning

Unstuck and On Target: Helping Students with Planning, Organization and Flexible Thinking: Part 3

This webinar will review the final components of how to teach EF skills; and a review of how we know that Unstuck and On Target works. The presenter will review additional resources, – and the new online parent training program – What’s next for Unstuck.

Completion Time:
63 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Errorless Teaching

This webinar will provide an overview of how to select student skills appropriate for errorless teaching. It will also describe and illustrate the 4 steps in the errorless teaching procedure.

Completion Time:
20 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: For Individuals with Average to Above Average Cognition and Verbal Skills

This webinar will focus on individuals with ASD who have average to above average cognition and verbal skills. Participants will gain information on supports for individuals with ASD to increase meaningful participation and success in a variety of settings.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Behavior Communication

Pivotal Response Treatment Part 1

During this webinar the learner will be introduced to a brief history of ABA and early autism treatments. The learner will be introduced to the background and development of pivotal response treatment and to the core PRT components of family involvement, treatment in the natural environment and treatment on pivotal areas.

Completion Time:
19 minutes

Topics: Behavior Communication

Pivotal Response Treatment Part 2

During this webinar the learner will be introduced the use of motivational procedures to teach academic skills. The learner will be provided a review of research studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of motivational procedures for teaching academics and will introduced to strategies the include motivational components to teach academic skills for a variety of learners.

Completion Time:
34 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports Transitions

PEERS® Part 1: An overview of the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills

This webinar will provide an overview of the social deficits and consequences of peer rejection in autism spectrum disorder, and a discsussion of the limitations of existing social skills programs. The webinar will discuss effective methods of social skills instruction and provide an overview of the PEERS® curriculum and research findings.

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports Transitions

PEERS® Part 2: Strategies for Handling Teasing/Bullying

By the end of this webinar, participants will be familiar with strategies to address teasing, strategies to address physical bullying, cyberbullying and minimize rumors and gossip.

Completion Time:
45 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Females

This webinar provides critical information on the differences between females and males with ASD. The presenters will discuss why females are difficult to identify and explain the importance of early identification. The presentation will explore interventions specific to females with ASD.

Completion Time:
38 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports

Sensible Sleep Strategies

This training will focus on evidenced based interventions to address difficulties that lead to bedtime battles. The session will cover the behaviors that prevent everyone from getting a good night’s sleep. Strategies to improve bedtime routines, falling asleep and staying in bed will be discussed along with how to implement reinforcement effectively.

Completion Time:
38 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Transitions

Teaching Skills that Matter: Teaching Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Competencies in Any Classroom

This webinar will provide an overview of the College and Career Competency Framework. It will provide information on how to get started exploring outcomes and instructional strategies to teach and provide opportunities for students to practice specific competencies.

Completion Time:
57 minutes

Topics: Behavior Family / Home Supports

Overcoming Daily Drama

Getting out the door difficult? Struggling to manage mealtime? Come learn about evidenced based strategies to support these difficult times. Interventions presented will focus on how to facilitate a behavior change. The session will cover strategies to structure for success and how reinforcement can support a long-lasting change in behavior.

Completion Time:
44 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Self-Care - Your Work is as Good as You are

You will gain knowledge and self awareness in areas of Self-Care. You will be challenged to honestly assess your behaviors that increase or detract from Self Care. You will acquire strategies to improve your Self Care. You will commit to increasing behaviors of Self Care.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Communication

Introduction to the VB-MAPP:(Verbal Behavior – Milestones Assessment and Placement Program)

This presentation will provide an overview of the areas assessed on the VB-MAPP including a brief overview of the verbal operants. It will review the components of the VB-MAPP manual and test protocol, including a review of scoring procedures. The presentation will review the types of assessment methods used on the VB-MAPP and helpful steps to take before administering the VB-MAPP. Finally, participants will learn how to interpret results and use them for program development.

Completion Time:
34 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Communication

Developing a Verbal Behavior Program Using the ABLLS-R

This webinar will focus on using the information from the ABLLS-R to create a verbal behavior program. This information will review the Behavior Language Assessment tool and its use in getting a verbal behavior program started prior to the complete administration of the ABLLS-R.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Communication

Getting to Know the ABLLS-R

The 1st webinar in this series will provide an overview of the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills – Revised (ABLLS-R) protocol. The overview will include the steps to administer and score this tool.

Completion Time:
25 minutes

Topics: First-Hand Perspectives

Sensory Processing: Overview and Strategies - Part 1

This webinar will provide an overview of sensory systems and how differences manifest. Participants will learn common terminology, which will allow them to understand and discuss sensory differences when working with students, teachers, administrators and parents.

Completion Time:
28 minutes

Topics: First-Hand Perspectives

Sensory Processing: Self-Advocacy and Strategies- Part 2

This webinar will provide information on how sensory differences may impact an autistic person throughout their lifetime. Judy will share how often sensory solutions for an individual can be considered problematic behaviors instead of recognizing that the individual is problem solving and figuring our their differences.

Completion Time:
60 minutes

Topics: Early Childhood

Autism and the Very Young Child

This webinar will focus on the unique characteristics of young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This webinar will discuss some of the early red flags of an Autism Spectrum Disorder in very young children, and how the areas of communication, social and behavior are impacted. Information will be shared on simple strategies for young children with Autism and what steps families and caregivers can take if they suspect an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports Transitions

Transition: Targeting Skills for Adult Independence - Part 1

Part 1 of this 4-part series will focus on real-life skills for independence including the following topics: the ability for individuals to assess themselves on strengths, skills and the needs associated with their disabilities. Awareness of the accommodations they might need. Knowledge of their rights to these accommodations and the advocacy skills necessary to express their needs across multiple environments.

Completion Time:
48 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports Transitions

Transition: Transition Planning for Competent Adulthood - Part 2

Part 2 of this 4-part series will provide information on the following: Priorities of Instruction in transition programming (work/social/navigation skills), and Strategies for teaching 4 basic transition skills: Direct Instruction Video Modeling, Naturalistic Strategies and Support, and Generalization, Self monitoring.

Completion Time:
42 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports Transitions

Transition: The Central Importance of Sexual Education in ASD - Part 3

Part 3 of this 4-part series will provide information on the importance of and strategies to teach Sexual Education. Topics that will be covered include the importance of teaching the Hidden Curriculum regarding sexuality to adolescents and young adults with ASD, examples of hidden curriculum as it relates to dating and sexuality and strategies for teaching the hidden curriculum of sex.

Completion Time:
43 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports Transitions

Transition: Person Centered Planning: Creating a Map to Your Student's Future - Part 4

Part 4 of this 4-part series will provide an opportunity for participants to earn what Future Planning is and how can it be used. The presenter will review common characteristics of Future Planning Mapping and Future Planning frames and the specifics on how to complete a map. Information on facilitation tips to complete a map and the limitations of Futures Planning will also be discussed.

Completion Time:
33 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports

Picky Eaters: Prevalence, Eating Challenges, Ethics, and Assessment - Part 1

This presentation will cover the following: estimated prevalence of feeding problems in children with ASD, different examples of feeding & eating challenges, ethical considerations treating feeding issues in school settings and behavioral assessment factors to emphasize or adapt for children with autism.

Completion Time:
29 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports

Picky Eaters: Facts and Interventions - Part 2

This webinar will provide information on a team based approach to assessment and picky eaters. The presentation will review evidence based procedures to help with restricted food preference or textures.

Completion Time:
27 minutes

Topics: Transitions

Skills for the Real World: Preparing Students with ASD

This presentation will focus on making Connections that will assist students to transition successfully into the workforce and life after school. The presentation will identify the critical skills necessary for transitioning into the world of work. Presenters will also discuss potential barriers and identify strategies to be successful in the workplace as well as steps for successful career planning/retention.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Transitions

Sex Abuse Prevention through Sex Education Training: Part 1

Part 1 of this 2-part series will discuss how to provide Sex Education training and prevent Sex Abuse in individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. This webinar will cover how reducing the amount of touch, talk, and trust with our students can actually increase their safety in relationships.

Completion Time:
34 minutes

Topics: Transitions

Sex Abuse Prevention through Sex Education Training: Part 2

Part 2 of this 2-part series will cover why specialized training on sex and sexuality is a necessity for persons with Autism and/or Cognitive Disabilities. The training will help identify risk factors and discuss why this should be our concern. The presentation will include a review of how people with autism/cognitive impairments learn differently and how you form partnerships with families on these issues.

Completion Time:
39 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Making Math Meaningful: Supporting Students with Autism in Math - Part 2

Part 2 of this 2-part series will discuss strategies for making math topics meaningful for students with autism spectrum disorder.

Completion Time:
41 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Making Math Meaningful: Task Analysis for math topics - Part 1

Part 1 of this 2-part series will look at strategies for identifying valid learning objectives, how to break those objectives into smaller parts, and then using the task analysis as an assessment tool.

Completion Time:
36 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

The importance of Social and Emotional Development - Part 1

In this 2-part webinar series, the importance of considering evidence-based practices within a framework that is sensitive to the social and emotional priorities for the student will be discussed. What we determine as the student’s targeted educational objectives should be as important as how we are providing accommodations. Providing evidence-based educational programming for students on the Autism Spectrum relies on a careful selection of focused approaches that have been shown to promote the acquisition of specific skills or the reduction of behaviors that are interfering with learning and social engagement in the classroom.

Completion Time:
48 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

The importance of Social and Emotional Development - Defining Engagement in Classroom Settings for Students on the Autism Spectrum - Part 2

Providing evidence-based educational programming for students on the Autism Spectrum relies on a careful selection of focused approaches that have been shown to promote the acquisition of specific skills or the reduction of behaviors that are interfering with learning and social engagement in the classroom. Based upon current systematic reviews, nearly three-dozen approaches are considered effective at promoting such positive outcomes.

Completion Time:
47 minutes

Topics: Early Childhood

Autism in Early Childhood: Joint Engagement and Joint Attention Strategies - Part 1

Part 1 of this 4-part series will focus on joint engagement and joint attention. You will be introduced to applicable strategies to facilitate these developmental milestones in your classroom.

Completion Time:
25 minutes

Topics: Early Childhood

Autism in Early Childhood: Preparing for Purposeful Play - Part 2

Part 2 of this 4-part series will focus on preparing ourselves for purposeful play. We will begin to explore the important role adults can take in helping children with developmental delays learn to interact, communicate and play. You will be introduced to strategies that facilitate interaction during those times when playing, communicating and socializing is the goal.

Completion Time:
35 minutes

Topics: Early Childhood

Autism in Early Childhood: Teaching Object Based Play - Part 3

Part 3 of this 4-part series will focus on teaching beginning object base play and then how to teach students to build more complex play schemes.

Completion Time:
35 minutes

Topics: Early Childhood

Autism in Early Childhood: Incorporating Play into the Natural Environment - Part 4

Part 4 of this 4-part series will provide an overview of strategies for moving structured play into the natural environment using a variety of visual supports. This presentation will provide information on how to structure common play items to increase purposeful play and how to incorporate peers and friendship skills into structured play opportunities.

Completion Time:
40 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Programing for Middle and High School Students with Autism: Assessments and Curriculum Guides for Secondary Students with ASD - Part 1

Part 1 of this 4-part series will provide information on assessments and curriculum guides for secondary students. Specific assessments and curriculum guides that will assist with the development of age appropriate goals and objectives for middle and high school, and transition students with ASD will be discussed. This presentation will discuss several priorities of instruction for secondary students with ASD and identify a variety of specific skills to target within in each assessment or curriculum guide.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Programming for Middle and High School Students with ASD: Developing Routines and Independence Using Task Analysis - Part 2

Part 2 of this 4-part series will introduce participants to how to choose appropriate routines to use a task analysis. We will discuss how prompts and cues can develop or hinder independence and methods to teach the skills we want to teach.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Programing for Middle & High School Students: Developing and Implementing Age-Appropriate Visual Supports for School and Community Environments - Part 3

Part 3 of this 4-part series will look into how to use visual supports to promote student success and independence. Visual supports are an evidence-based practice that, if used correctly, promote independence by providing meaning and predictability for individuals with ASD.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Assessment / Curriculum Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Social Supports

Programing for Middle & High School Students: Communication, Behavior and Social Supports for Secondary Students with ASD Part 4

Part 4 of this 4-part series will discuss how to identify several types of visual supports to use with secondary students with ASD. Specific supports to enhance the areas of Social skills, Communication, and Behavior will be covered.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

The Elements of Structured Teaching: The Principles of Structured Teaching - Part 1

Part 1 of this 5-part series will discuss the culture of autism and the TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children) approach to instruction, which was developed by Eric Schopler in the late 1970s. An overview of the basic tenets for using visual supports to structure the environment to promote learning and independence will be presented.

Completion Time:

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

The Elements of Structured Teaching: Physical Structure & Overall Classroom Schedules - Part 2

Part 2 of this 5-part series will discuss how physical structure of the environment effects learning. Physical Structure is the first step in learning about the Elements of Structured Teaching. It is the foundation upon which all of the other components are added. The Overall Classroom Schedule is developed once the Physical Structure of the space is in place. This presentation contains information critical to the organization, management, and flow of the program.

Completion Time:

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

The Elements of Structured Teaching: Assessing Schedules and Structured Work Systems - Part 3

Part 3 of this 5-part series will discuss visual schedules and work systems. Each of these elements has key skills associated with them for the student to master, and a specific means for teachers to assess and individualize them for their students.

Completion Time:

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

The Elements of Structured Teaching: Teaching Routines & Strategies - Part 4

Part 4 of this 5-part series will focus on the relationship between work systems and routines, the importance of teaching routines to help make the environment more meaningful, and support the development of strategies as a foundation for independence in all students.

Completion Time:

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

The Elements of Structured Teaching: Visual Structure of Tasks - Part 5

Part 5 of this 5-part series will focus on the use of visual structure of tasks in order to capitalize on the visual strengths of the learners. The three components of visual structure will be presented: visual instructions, visual organization, and visual clarity.

Completion Time:

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Communication

Verbal Behavior: Teaching using Verbal Behavior Strategies - Part 1

Part 1 of this 2-part series will help participants understand and define verbal behavior. The presenters will review the behavioral teaching components of reinforcement, pairing, discrete trial teaching, use of prompts and prompt fading, and error correction procedures.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Communication

Verbal Behavior: Using Verbal Behavior Strategies in Your Classroom - Part 2

Part 2 of this 2-part series will provide information on how to use verbal behavior strategies to teach a variety of skills, in a variety of settings. Curriculum programs such as the ABLLS-R, VB-MAPP and AFLS will be examined as resources for identifying skills to teach.

Completion Time:
39 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning Skills: STOP Strategy

This presentation will describe the features for each of the four elements of situational awareness: Space, Time, Objects, People. The presentation will discuss the relationship between situational awareness and self-regulation and the definition of ‘Mimetic Ideational Information Processing’ as it pertains to executive functioning skills. Strategies to increase a student’s ability to STOP and read the room will be shared.

Completion Time:
70 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning: “Job Talk” - Developing Independent Executive Function Skills

This presentation will help participants have a new understanding of Executive Function via the 360 ThinkingTM Model. It will review the key features of situational awareness: Space, Time, Objects, People; the importance of imaginary play and the concept of ‘role’ in the development of executive function skills; Semantic Psychological Essentialism and Job Talk from pre-school through Adulthood.

Completion Time:
65 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Communication Social Supports

Expanding The World Through Social Development: Your “Wh” Questions -Early Social Communicators - Part 1

Social skills instruction should be a critical part of EACH and EVERY day for students with ASD. Part 1 of this 3-part series will discuss how curriculum and activities have to be planned and implemented with as much consideration, if not more than math, literacy and every other area.

Completion Time:
55 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Communication Social Supports

Expanding The World Through Social Development: Your “Wh” Questions Emerging Social Communicators - Part 2

In part 2 of this 3-part series, participants will determine the needs of their students by utilizing the appropriate social skills assessment tools. The participants will be able to describe strengths and needs of students with emerging social communication skills. The participants will be able to explain the impact that social skills have on student access to relationships, education, different environments and quality of life. Participants will be able to design individualized social skills instruction across all environments.

Completion Time:
30 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies Communication Social Supports

Expanding The World Through Social Development: Your “Wh” Questions Conversational Social Communicators Part 3

Part 3 of this 3-part series will discuss how to determine the needs of their students by utilizing the appropriate social skills assessment tools, describe strengths and needs of students with conversational social communication challenges, explain the impact that social skills have on student access to relationships, education, different environments and quality of life, and design individualized social skills instruction across all environments.

Completion Time:
20 minutes

Topics: Special Topics

Bullying and the Autism Spectrum

Participants will learn the definition of bullying and gain information on the social-ecological model of bullying. This presentation will also introduce participants to a variety of resources for dealing with bullying. Participants will have a better understanding of the current research findings on bullying and students with ASD.

Completion Time:
45 minutes

Topics: Family / Home Supports

Working with Students and Parents From Poverty

The purpose of this webinar is to expand our thinking and introduce proactive approaches to serving children and families from poverty in a way that builds connections in and out of school.

Completion Time:
25 minutes

Topics: Behavior Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Low Tech Engagement for High Tech Classrooms

This webinar will provide an overview of some of the common barriers to engagement, while bringing awareness of how engagement and participation looks for children with autism. Participants will get a review of research-based strategies to increase engagement.

Completion Time:
35 minutes

Topics: Transitions

Transitions: Class to Class and Building to Building

This presentation will help participants understand the importance of the transition process and the key components of successful transitions. Participants will be able to identify strategies for successful transitions to new classes or buildings.

Completion Time:
26 minutes


Including Students with ASD In Specialist Classes (Art, PE, Music, Computer, etc.)

Teri McGill M.A. Ed.

Completion Time:
42 minutes

Topics: Classroom Structure / Instructional Strategies

Supporting Literacy Through Assistive Technology

Participants of this webinar will gain understanding of common reading barriers for students with ASD, as well as features of technology that address those barriers. Participants will become more aware of the process to match student needs and technology features and the types of assistive technology tools available to support reading.

Completion Time:
51 minutes

The Tri-State Webinar Series is made available through continued partnership and collaboration between the Colorado Department of Education, Kansas TASN Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports, and the Nebraska Autism Spectrum Disorders Network. Through this collaboration, we are able to provide a wide variety of autism-related presentations, presented by local and national experts in the field and available when it is convenient for you.

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